Paint Donation Projects

As our company closely follows the doctrine and the ethics in Buddhism, we actively participate in the programs organized by temples and Buddhist Societies. For which, a donation of paints required for the colour washing of the temple, re-sharping the temple paintings and addition of new paintings depicting Buddhist Jathaka Stories on the temple walls. The selected temple was located in Homagama, renowned as Dakshinaramaya Pitipana Dakuna. The donation was done successfully in person on 21st of July 2019, with the participation of Mayanayake Thero.

The ethics that we are inspired of are what strengthen the ethical culture we maintain in and out our business, which eventually directly or indirectly affect the quality of our products and the services we supply to our customers.

Contribution of Kadalla Living in Style Exhibition

Held in Sirimavo Bandaranayake Memorial Exhibition centre, Kadalla Living in Style exhibition was held successfully with the participation of many leading architectural, interior designing, Real estate and many other firms and companies filling out 200 stalls. We as one among the many, conducted demonstration programs to make public aware of how to avoid frauds and fake products in the general market, and further explained the right procedure in selecting the most appropriate product to fulfill the specific requirement.

We believe that the public has every right to know the truth in marketing process and they deserve to get the products and services of best quality.